Friday, January 30, 2009

The Beginning of the Journey

So, I guess I will start by saying the my name is Darrell, and I am a Christian.

That sounds a little too much like AA, but I'm gonna stick with it.

I grew up in church. From the time I was born until now I have hardly ever missed a Sunday. As a teenager I participated in christian T-shirt day and got in theological debates with my Baptist friends. (As a pentecostal I had been taught that they "don't believe in the Holy Ghost.") In short I was an insufferable goody-two-shoes and thought I knew everything about God. That's kind of why I'm starting this blog today.

As I have grown up I have come to realize that the concept of denominations is not a Biblical concept. Nowhere in scripture is our current mania of splitting the body of Christ condoned. I no longer want to represent that type of Christianity. I am tired of the smallness of it all!

I am going to attempt to use this blog to trace my way back to the early church in the book of Acts. I want to examine the theological beliefs of traditions other than my own and embrace a more accurate picture of who Jesus really is. I want to get a clear idea of what it means to be the Church.

I realize that I'm biting off more than I can possibly chew. I know that I'm going to be dealing with arguments people ten times as smart as me haven't solved. I don't really expect to resolve anything except within myself.

But that is where change begins.


  1. Darrell,

    Thanks for taking this step, and for inviting me into the discussion. I'm interested in seeing where it will take us. Being the Buechner fan that you know I am, it is great to continue to discover the mystery that calls us to the pilgrimage. Glad to be on the journey with you.

  2. baptists have the holy ghost?

    :) seriously, this is cool. it will kind of be like our late night conversations about God and mankind. i, too, am glad to have been invited to the table.

  3. HEY!!!!!!!! you promised a discussion!!! where u at brosef???

  4. Sorry I have not been as diligent as I had planned. I will try to do better.
